
Top 3 Lazy Load WordPress Plugins to Decrease Server Requests

Plugins to Lazy Load Images in WordPressThere are also a couple of issues about server requests which makes our blog load lazily. Your site’s load time may hurt you visitors however, to decrease server requests in your WordPress blog we use some WP plugins. But before I began to show what plugins can help our blog to load faster let me explain it a little bit, how server requests can increase?

How Server Requests Can Increase?

Each time an image that loads in your WP blog sends a server request, this means the more your blog use images the more server requests will your blog get. I know, what will you think? Yeah! I’m not saying that not to use images in your blog posts or in your theme as background, use but using lazy load scripts which then make your images unloaded in the webpage but as users will scroll down the page the image then send a server request to the browser rather than sending multiple server requests use lazy load scripts to load the images one by one when needed.

Read: Combining Images into Sprites

HINT: Lazy load WordPress plugins will not decrease the server requests, however they will load your blog images gradually when needed.

3 Lazy Load WordPress Plugins (I Recommend)

  1. Lazy Load

    Lazy Load is WP plugin which uses jQuery.sonar a precious js script. This script loads images when visitors’ needed. This plugin updates often and on installation it’ll work automatically.  No, administrative panels to set the functions just load the images lazily on one click of install. Load your blog images one by one when visitor’s needed.

  2. BJ Lazy Load

    Another lazy load WordPress plugin, it improves your website’s performance by loading your website images lazily. This includes:
    1. Post images
    2. Post Thumbnails
    3. Gravatar images and
    4. iframe content
    These images will loaded only when your visitors scroll closer to them.

  3. Lazy Widget Loader

    Lazy Widget Loader is also similar to other lazy load plugins but it focuses mostly on widgets. It’s useful for those websites who use lots of widgets especially those that require external data input. Such social media widgets like Facebook and Twitter also ads widgets like Adsense, buysellads, affiliate banners and so on. Actually, these type of widgets take additional bandwidth and thus, increase loading time.

If you are unable to adjust the amount of images in your website, then try out Lazy Load plugins above.

Related  How to: Mask External Links into Internal Links in WordPress?


  1. is there any way I can add lazyload feature without the use of plugin? I hate using more number of plugins for adding functionality to my blog rather I prefer add code to the theme files..

    1. Hi @King,
      Yep, there is… But which is much typical however W3 Total Cache is one which provides an ultimate page speed within one plugin rather than using bunch of plugins… However, in some cases we use other plugins to decrease the page load time. BTW, thanks for your comment..

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