Typeahead.js – Fast and Fully-Featured Auto-complete jQuery Library

Yet another web resource that was submitted to us by one of our readers. Let me just tell about it. Typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured auto-complete jQuery library that was inspired by twitter.com’s auto-complete search functionality. By the way, it’s said that Typeahead.js is nice open sourced project by Twitter for building auto-complete form fields. It’s a jQuery plugin that shows suggestions as a user type something inside of search box and can feature top suggestions with the help of styling. Here is how it does its work smoothly:

Typehead Twitter like autocomplete jQuery Library


  • Displays suggestions to end-users as they type
  • Shows top suggestion as a hint (i.e. background text)
  • Works with hardcoded data as well as remote data
  • Rate-limits network requests to lighten the load
  • Allows for suggestions to be drawn from multiple datasets
  • Supports customized templates for suggestions
  • Plays nice with RTL languages and input method editors

It’s supports the latest browsers with up to date versions like:

  • Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Internet Explorer, and Opera

Typeahead.js will convert any entered text-field into the box to an auto-complete field, it accepts JSON as the data source and has various settings for optimizing remote requests. The plugin can work with both remote or local datasets and it is optimized for speed as it can prefetch the dataset, store it on the client-side and run the queries quickly.

Typehead Twitter like autocomplete jQuery Library

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