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Download App para repartidor - Soy Rappi APK File for Android

Download App para repartidor - Soy Rappi 7.95.20240327-34625 for Android

App para repartidor - Soy Rappi

In Maps & Navigation by Developer
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App Description

Enjoy earning money and having the opportunity to manage your time from everyone's favorite app. Become a Rappi ally!

As a Rappitendero, you have the opportunity to be the dispatcher of the orders you receive through the app, in addition:

- You choose your home hours according to your availability.
- You receive 100% of your tips, plus additional earnings according to your effort.
- You get unique benefits by collaborating with the largest delivery app in Latin America.
- You start to have informative advice and tips that will help you achieve better results as a delivery person.

Discover the features of the app:

- Your orders go step by step, so you have greater control of what is happening in real time as a dealer.
- It has a history with all the information of your receipts and payments.
- It has a system to reserve and review your quotas as a delivery person.
- Through the "Help" button, it gives you relevant information about what is happening in Rappi.
- Find the maps of different areas and cities with the most requested hours.
- It has a support channel to give you help in whatever you need.
- Availability of an emergency button.
- Exclusive promotions as an ally

Download it now and be a Rappi dealer, we are in 9 countries. Delivery by bike, motorbike, car and even on foot **.

Come and collaborate with us, we are growing day by day!

You are downloading App para repartidor - Soy Rappi 7.95.20240327-34625 APK file for Android smartphones/tablets which requires Android 7.0 and up. App para repartidor - Soy Rappi is one of the best free Maps & Navigation apps, you should try it.

To start downloading the APK file of App para repartidor - Soy Rappi 7.95.20240327-34625 make sure you choose one of the server locations below. After downloading the APK file of App para repartidor - Soy Rappi move the downloaded file to your SD card or your Android smartphone's internal memory and then use any Android file manager you prefer to browse & install it.

But make sure you have enabled the third-party app installation to run APK files in Android.

App para repartidor - Soy Rappi is one of the best free Maps & Navigation apps & you are about to download very latest version of App para repartidor - Soy Rappi 7.95.20240327-34625. So, to start downloading the APK file of App para repartidor - Soy Rappi on your Android smartphone, we provide direct download link below for App para repartidor - Soy Rappi 7.95.20240327-34625.

App para repartidor - Soy Rappi Android apps is the property & trademark from Rappi, Inc - Delivery and all rights reserved by Rappi, Inc - Delivery. You have provided direct downloadable link below to download the original free apk download package.

Please be aware that only share the original and free apk installer package for App para repartidor - Soy Rappi 7.95.20240327-34625 without any modifications or any alterations within the .apk file package for illegal activities.

If you wish to run App para repartidor - Soy Rappi APK for PC, make sure you read the article.

All the apps & games are for home or personal use only. If any apk files download infringes your copyright, please contact us. App para repartidor - Soy Rappi is the property and trademark from the developer Rappi, Inc - Delivery.


App para repartidor - Soy Rappi file information

File name: com-rappi-storekeeper-7-95-20240327-34625_SOFTSTRIBE.apk
Version: 7.95.20240327-34625
Uploaded: March 28, 2024
File size: 154.00 MBs
Minimum Android version: Android 7.0 and up

App para repartidor - Soy Rappi APK 7.95.20240327-34625:

App para repartidor - Soy Rappi APK v7.95.20240327-34625 (479)Download APK from secure server >> File size: 154.00 MBs

Get App para repartidor - Soy Rappi from Google Play Store


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