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Download Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration APK File for Android

Download Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration 1.1.2 for Android

Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration

In Entertainment by Developer
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App Description

Each dessert has its own charm but the ice cream is the one that can't be refused in any time. Play this cooking game to sharpen your skills as a sweet maker and find out our secret recipe for this fruity ice cream. The first thing you will do is to ensure that the ingredients from the recipe are all bought. When you are done with paying from the selected items you will go back to the kitchen where you must make sure that the cleaning is in the proper standards. So, you will use the given tools to wash all the dirt that might compromise your process of making the ice cream dough. Remove the garbage, swipe up the spider dust, get rid of the stains that are spread all over the walls and floor, clean the windows, also the fridge must be emptied and the rotten things should be thrown away. Don't miss the oven and the rest of the kitchen. Once you've finished that you can go to the cooking part and decorations. Use the recipe and the ingredients you've purchased to make the base composition. Choose your favorite fruit then cut it, turn it into a paste and get that device to freeze it. Not only that the ice cream is fruit based, but you will also get the chance to decorate it with fresh fruits. Use your creativity and find the perfect combination of flavors for your frozen dessert. Have a different shape of the ice cream, change the stick and why not, even the color. Enjoy this tasty adventure in the frozen world of flavors!

Check out these nice features this ice cream game comes with:
- Getting to know how a delicious fruity ice cream is made
- Free for playing
- Easy control of the game
- Interesting processes to follow for a frozen delicates
- Learn how to take care of a kitchen
- Check the steps and try to accomplish the given tasks
- Decorate deliciously flavored sweets
- Awesome interface and lovely sounds
- Tasty and colorful decorations and fascinating items
- Cool accessories and yummy recipe

You are downloading Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration 1.1.2 APK file for Android smartphones/tablets which requires Android 7.0 and up. Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration is one of the best free Entertainment apps, you should try it.

To start downloading the APK file of Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration 1.1.2 make sure you choose one of the server locations below. After downloading the APK file of Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration move the downloaded file to your SD card or your Android smartphone's internal memory and then use any Android file manager you prefer to browse & install it.

But make sure you have enabled the third-party app installation to run APK files in Android.

Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration is one of the best free Entertainment apps & you are about to download very latest version of Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration 1.1.2. So, to start downloading the APK file of Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration on your Android smartphone, we provide direct download link below for Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration 1.1.2.

Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration Android apps is the property & trademark from rosytales and all rights reserved by rosytales. You have provided direct downloadable link below to download the original free apk download package.

Please be aware that only share the original and free apk installer package for Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration 1.1.2 without any modifications or any alterations within the .apk file package for illegal activities.

If you wish to run Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration APK for PC, make sure you read the article.

All the apps & games are for home or personal use only. If any apk files download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration is the property and trademark from the developer rosytales.


Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration file information

File name: air-com-rosytales-icecandycookinganddecoration-1-1-2_SOFTSTRIBE.apk
Version: 1.1.2
Uploaded: July 02, 2023
File size: 39.68 MBs
Minimum Android version: Android 7.0 and up

Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration APK 1.1.2:

Ice Candy Cooking and Decoration APK v1.1.2 (479)Download APK from secure server >> File size: 39.68 MBs


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