How to: Create a WordPress Child Theme Manually?

As the child theme inherit the functionality of that parent theme which need to install first. Making a child theme is very simple, now there are two possibilities of creating a perfect child theme. Either create child theme manually or use a simple WordPress plugin to create one. In this article we will show you how to create a child theme manually?

Create a WordPress Child Theme of Twentytwelve WP Default Theme

The child theme also placed in the same directory as /wp-content/themes. It’s necessary to install the parent theme first in order make child theme work because we know that a child theme inherit the functionality of parent theme. Follow the steps below to get started with your own child theme:

1. As we’ve Twentytwelve theme as parent theme

2. To make a child theme for it create a folder in the same directory /wp-content/themes as child-twentytwelve

3. Copy the style.css file of the parent theme in the child theme folder

4. Replace the lines from top of the style.css file and paste the following code:

Theme Name:     Twenty Twelve Child
Theme URI:
Description:    Child theme for the Twentytwelve theme
Author:         Your name
Author URI:
Template:       twentytwelve
Version:        1.0

Remember: don’t forget to add the name of the template your want to use for the child theme i.e, Template: Twentytwelve.

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