How to Add Responsive Slider in WordPress Themes?

Responsive Slider is actually a WordPress plugin which easily adds a slider inside your WordPress blog. You can integrate this slider into your themes via a simple shortcode. Everything is customizable yet you can link any slide to any URL and give it a suitable title.

The actual purpose of the Responsive Slider WP plugin is to serve an effective slider to responsive WordPress themes, as it would automatically adjust to its container. However, this can work out of the box no additional CSS or JavaScript tweaks needed from your theme.

responsive slider wordpress plugin

How to Use Responsive Slider?

  1. First of all install Responsive Slider Plugin and activate it
  2. A new tab is created “Slides
  3. Go to Slides -> Settings where you can configure the slider options
  4. Go to Slides -> Add New Slide and create a few slides
  5. Place php echo do_shortcode( '[responsive_slider]' ); ?> in your template – wherever you want it to be displayed
  6. You can use [responsive_slider] into a post or a page, much like you add any other shortcode
  7. That’s it.


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